Integrating Real World Assets (RWAs) on a Hybrid Blockchain

Originally a Level 2 Tokenization Platform on the Ethereum blockchain specializing in Real-World Assets (RWA), evolving with cybersecurity expertise to become the future of secure, hybrid blockchain solutions for private asset tokenization and public data transparency.
Our investors

Traditional Blockchain

A comparison between what the existing solution can do and what we are able to achieved through SUMOTEX Hybrid AssetFi Protocol




Datas are exposed on the network which leads to most enterprises not adopting as a fear of privacy and leakage of important data. Unable to maintain integrity and mass adoption.




Private datas are stored and validated within their own ecosystem and every transactions is being recorded to the public chain for timestamp and proof of receipt recording connecting and ease of real-time audit by compliance and regulators.

Utilising WebAssembly, any language the developer picked, can be used as a Smart Contract Development

Achieve Your Goals With Us

We started off as a Tokenisation Platform (L2) in  the ethereum blockchain, achieving great results with Real World Assets RWA. At a momental moment, a need came through for a hybrid blockchain solution, enterprise tokenising assets privately, while maintaining a portion of datas publicly.

Tokenised Projects
USD tokenised

Powerful Hybrid Infrastructure:

Security First

Secured and use by some of the largest institutions in the world, Sumotex is built from the ground up to prioritize security above all else.

Enterprise Centric

Suites of Tools, enablement of multi-coding language, enables enterprise with utmost convenience for their preference


Ensuring privacy of data is achieved through SECURED HASHING ALGORITHM (SHA), counter-measures and obtaining ISO certified protocol.

Build From the Ground

Our hybrid blockchain that bridges both public and private AssetFi protocol is build from the ground, to ensure no loophole are uncovered.

First Choice.


How it works

AssetFi Protocol

Enterprise Grade Security 

  • Controlled multi-level access control that enables datas to be encrypted and only decrypted by the same level of users through encryption technology methods such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).
  • Utilising both Proof of Stake (PoS), and Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) proven technology for enterprise blockchain.
  • Robust monitoring and intrusion detection systems to detect any unusual activity or potential security breaches. This helps in identifying and mitigating threats promptly.
  • Secure key management practices to protect private keys and ensure they are not exposed to unauthorized parties. Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) can be used for added security.

Scalability at the core

Sharding: Sharding is a technique that involves partitioning the blockchain network into smaller, manageable segments called shards. Each shard can process its transactions independently, significantly increasing the network’s overall throughput

Layer 2 Solutions (Private): Layer 2 processing are build on top of the SUMOTEX main blockchain that allow for off-chain or side-chain processing of transactions. These solutions reduce the burden on the main blockchain and enhance scalability.


Multi-language development

AssetFi protocol utilises WebAssembly that enables any programming languages to be compiled as a bytecode and being stored onto our blockchain.

Tokenised Projects

Our funds enables you to access the most exclusive asset class in the world – private markets. Ranging from high risk bond funds to more stable asset backed funds. Earn higher APYs by vetting Borrowers and supplying capital directly to individual asset-backed Pools.

Zareen Asia Equity Token

PT Zareen Kapital Investama owns 200,000,000 shares in PT Sumber Mas Konstruksi TBK, a public entity listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia). PT Sumber Mas was incorporated on 4 February 1981, with its core business in construction, infrastructure, and real estate development. As of 2022, the company is listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange with total capital of USD161.84 million.

What’s included
check_circleAdvisor: UBB Investment Bank Limited
check_circleReturns of 6% USD per annum
Public listed shares
12% APY

Danai Wellness Fund

Crigen offer wellness and medi-wellness services in Malaysia, operating under Danai Medi Wellness Boutique, operate 7 outlets across Malaysia.

What’s included
check_circleAdvisor: UBB Investment Bank Limited
check_circleReturns of 4% per Annum
check_circle 2% Cash Point to be redeemed at any Danai Spa outlet
Public listed shares
19.55% APY

Homevest Digital Real Estate

Homevest is looking to tokenize 2.5 Million USD worth of real world asset with the following asset located in Malaysia.

What’s included
check_circleAdvisor: UBB Investment Bank Limited
check_circleFund Lifetime: 3 Years + 2 Year Roll Over option
Public listed shares
10.50% APY